Phone Dating Changed my Love Life

Before I got on the chat lines, I was very shy and it limited my dating experience. At that point, maybe I went on a total of three dates and each of those times it was because I was approached and asked a bunch of questions from others. I never knew how to reach out to someone I had a crush on and ask them out. It was a big step for me when I finally did.
I’ve always been shy and never really liked the spotlight on me. Phone dating has completely changed me and helped me get out of my shell. The first time I got on the chat lines, I was connected to someone who helped me by asking the right questions. At the beginning of the conversation, I would avoid the questions and redirect the conversation to my phone friend. The more my phone pal revealed about their life and experience, the more I felt comfortable sharing my own story. I was great at listening and lending a helpful ear to others and people on the chat lines would praise me for it. I have always been a good listener and observer but I knew why I got on the chat lines in the first place and that was to push myself to grow and after a while, I did.
The chat lines are filled with people who tend to be friendly, open, and non-judgemental and it’s one of the simplest ways to make a connection to others. The chat lines are also always open, 24/7, so you can call and get connected to new people whenever it best works for your schedule.
Now that I have a lot of phone friends and lovers and have even met some of them in-person, I will never forget what phone dating has done for me. I am still calling about twice per week meeting new people and helping shy people every chance I get!