The New One Night Stand

When you talk to someone on the free trial phone sex numbers for your local area, you may be hoping for a one night stand, but there is a new kind of one night stand for adults who have to go to work in the morning or who are OK with being a little bit more removed from things and it is called the half night stand. It sucks to wake up at someone else’s house when you have to go to work at your 9-5 job in the morning unless you were prepared for this to happen. When you hook up with someone and you have somewhere to be the next day, prepare your date that this is going to be a half night stand! Stay and snuggle and maybe even nap a bit, but head out no later than midnight to make your morning call.
The other version of the half night stand for those who use adult live phone chat is for those who don’t have to get up early in the morning. These are people who want someone cute to come over and greet them with some hot sex in the middle of the night. They want to skip the whole date and chatting part and get straight to the good stuff. If you want this other version of a half night stand you should start calling the line or texting your booty call around 10 or 11 pm, or later if it seems like they would be open to that. Then you will have someone in your bed for a quick and hot romp, and they can be out of there before the morning or you can choose to sleep in with them. It’s all up to you.
Free trial phone sex numbers are perfect to find a half night stand!