How to Describe Yourself On the Phone

When you’re chatting on our free trial sex chat you may be struggling with how to describe yourself. A new study has come out that will give you some guidance on what words people like to hear and what words people dislike when it comes to online dating profiles and phone descriptions. The study was performed at The University of Iowa and it was done by having a good number of online daters look at over 400,000 profiles online. The findings are quite interesting.
First of all, it showed that online and phone dating users don’t like it when you call yourself happy or shy. This goes for both of the genders. It’s probably simply because those terms are too general. Instead of happy describe yourself as positive or an optimist. Those are more specific terms that you can use to tell people about yourself. However, for women, describing yourself as curvy is a great idea and makes people even more attracted to you, probably because everyone wants a girl with a nice rack and a cute booty. Stating that you’re confident is good for a person of any gender. In addition, honest and honesty ranked pretty high up there so touting how honest you are on the phone could be a great idea.
A free trial sex chat will be the place for you to find someone cool to hang out with, hook up with or have a phone sex chat. Just follow the guidelines found out by this study and you’ll be on the path to finding whatever it is that you’re looking for. This can give you a bit more confidence because you won’t have to worry if someone thinks you are lame or not if you have some scientifically proven data backing you up!