Sex Tips from Celebs

The celebrities of the world are just like us. They love to fuck and they love to have fun. You might even meet one someday on a fun sex chat because you never know just who you will meet! Here are some sex tips that have been spouted by the top celebrities. If you follow them you probably won’t get famous, but you might get laid!
Khloe Kardashian, the most relatable of the reality clan, said in an interview online that she loves dirty talk. She would do well on our free phone chat because it is all about getting sexy on the phone. If you like roleplay and getting engines revved via sexy talk, then you should pick up the phone right now to have a good time!
Kate Beckinsale said that she likes to use webcam chat when she has a long distance lover. This can keep the spark alive because it helps people feel close to each other when they are far apart. It’s a great idea, but if you’re still single and looking to mingle the phone is so much more fun.
Jada Pinkett Smith allegedly loves to have sex in weird places, according to an interview. She said that even a guest bedroom can set a whole different mood and make for a fun time. The same can go for phone sex. Try talking on the phone in each room of your house and then see which room makes you feel the hottest.
Olivia Munn also loves dirty talk and recommends to show your partner that you like it from the very beginning of any relationship whether it is casual or serious. Well, if you meet someone on a fun sex chat then you will have no problem setting that precedent of having hot dirty talk right from the start!