Say What You Want to Get What You Want

When you are on the phone line dating sites, you will notice that people there can be pretty forward about what they want. This is because they’ve already learned the lesson that when you are trying something as exciting as this, if you simply ask for what you want, you might actually get it. The worst thing that will happen is that someone might say no, if they’re not ready for something, or they might say, not now, but later. It’s the best feeling when you ask for exactly what you want and then you actually get it! It’s even exhilarating if the answer is no.
Have you been dreaming about a phone fantasy that has you titillated. You want to do a roleplay or talk about some super naughty sex act that you’ve never done before? Or maybe you simply want to hear about what other people are interested in. Whatever your interest is, just asking for it can be enough to give you a boner! It’s awesome to ask for what you want because that is the first step to making it happen. If you ask for it, that’s the only way it can happen. If one person says no, there is always someone else on the line who might be willing to make your dream a reality.
So you see, phone line dating sites are an easy place to enjoy fantasies and learn how to ask for them. There is less pressure because there is no face to face interaction. It’s a joy to learn about your boundaries in a safe place like on the phone. You can always simply say goodbye if the conversation isn’t working for you, and there is someone else on the line who is waiting for you who will say yes!