Good Cafe

Don’t you just love a good cup of coffee to stimulate you first thing in the morning. One of my happiest times of the day is having my first cup of coffee. It’s could be at 5 a.m. or it might be at 2 p.m. That is what is so great about our phone service. We are available 24/7. We like to talk about your morning wood and wet dreams. Turn on the coffee machine and dial us to start your day with some action.
My favorite coffee is called an island late. It’s iced, so you can imagine my nipples being hard. It has thick, foamy coconut milk that layers through the coffee almost like your cum all over my tits. Then it’s dusted with cinnamon. Brown, soft glistening cinnimon much like the color of my skin. It comes with a stick. A cinnamon stick that I suck and chew on like a schoolgirl and her lollipop. I’d like to take this cinnamon stick and gently graze it across your lips, down your chest and put both your cock and the stick in my mouth.
Today I got honey with my island latte. I spooned every last drop and enjoyed the sweet, flowery taste. Honey is one of my favorite sex foods. To drip it all over myself and have you lick off. The sticky sensation after gives you a challenge to continue to lick. Every inch of my neck, body and ass. Your hands are strong and they are gripping me tightly. The harder you squeeze the more stimulated I get, much like my first cup of coffee. The more creamy, the more juicy and the more harder you and i become. As you slide into me I become activated. All I know is I’m glad I had that fucking good coffee and then I picked up the phone.