Make Yourself Feel Like a Sex Goddess Again

By Micki Morris
Posted July 21, 2018
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It happens to everyone, losing the sex drive you once had after years of being in a relationship with your same partner. It doesn’t matter if this person is the love of your life or soul mate, it’s human nature to stop caring and being excited about sex. It could be from not feeling sexy or confident anymore from growing old and weight gain or the everyday struggles of juggling your multiple roles from your career, kids, pets, family, etc. Sex is a must for our health and relationships and shouldn’t be put aside.

It’s time to feel hot again, darn it! Here are some ways to feel like a sex goddess again and crank up the sex in your household like you just met.

Never stop masturbating

Sometimes when you haven’t experienced an orgasm with your partner in a while because of the lack of sex, masturbation can be the answer to become a sex goddess again. By incorporating some me-time into your daily or weekly routine (depends on how horny your are) it will help bring back those feelings of erotica. Masturbation is also linked to wanting to fuck your partner more. So more masturbation equals more sex!

Treat yourself

What do you like when you treat yourself to gift to feel sexy again? Is it a shopping spree for some new underwear or lingerie? Buying a new sex toy? Or is it just a regular mani pedi?

This is going to vary from person to person. Give it some serious thought. No one thing is better than any other. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it makes you feel HOT.

Do you enjoy a regular mani pedi? A new lingerie outfit? A fancy new sex toy? A trip to therapy? Heading to the acupuncturist? Buying essential oils? Getting a pair of jeans that make your butt look like an apple?

Do that thing. Buy that thing. We’re not saying blow all of all your money on extraneous stuff, but treating yourself here and there reminds yourself that you are one sexy, powerful lady.

Remind your partner how sexy they are
Affirmations: Embrace them. Do not stop telling your partner how hot they are no matter how many years you’ve been married. Even if you’re 80 years old we expect you to tell your husband or wife how scrumptious you find them.

They should do the same. This is how you keep love and passion alive for your entire lives. You don’t just say the words, you mean them. You love each other enough to know that making each other feel good is important and worth your time.