Signs That Tell You She’s Wet
Are you imagining that every lady you speak within the dirty chat rooms is already wet? Before you start the dirty talk do you imagine your phone pal gal softening and gently touching her clit? Do you imagine her hearing your deep voice and wanting you to go down on her for you to fuck her? If so, that’s wonderful but what are the actual signs to determine if a lady is a wet while on the mobile phone chat with you? This blog explores the tell-all signs that will determine that she’s in it for the dirty sex conversations.
Now if you’ve never taken part in the mobile chat, now is the time to change that. Chatting about sex is as simple as tying your shoes and the more you practice the more it will seem as though it were natural. Pick up and dial in whenever you have time. The chatlines are open 24/7 so you can dial whenever it’s convenient for you. Most of the time you are likely not to run into any problems with the ladies you meet on the chatlines. After all, it’s highly likely and probable that one of the reasons why many of the ladies get on the chatlines is to explore their sexuality safely. The chatlines allow this to happen because there is a barrier and that makes many people guards fall down.
You can tell if she’s wet based on the words and tone she uses. If she’s soft or raspy, perhaps she’s touching herself. If she’s not totally engaged in the conversation maybe her attention is divided and she’s thinking about what your dick looks like. Of course, you could always be straight forward and jump the gun by asking sexual questions right as you get on the phone sex call.