The Easy Way to Get Everyone To Be A Bit Kinker On Your Calls

Maybe you recently saw or read something that turned you on and you didn’t realize it until the moment you were exposed to it. Maybe you are someone who has a solid grasp of what turns them on but have never had the opportunity to pursue it for whatever reason. It could be a partner that just is not into the same things, or you are currently single, or even that it just seems too outlandish for you to bring up with anyone you know.
One of the great things about adult phone chat is that you can anonymously meet people with the same tastes and fetishes. So let that feeling of shame, embarrassment or shyness go. That is the old you. Grab your phone and get ready for an adventure on a platform where your imagination can run wild.
What Is Kink?
In broad terms kink is defined as anything that is outside of the mainstream idea of what normal is. That idea of reality is quite absurd when you look at the actual numbers that have come from sex surveys across the United States and the world that show that the vast majority of societies that we consider “normal” harbor an infinite number of kinks, fetishes and fantasies that would be considered outside the mainstream. Why? Because we tend to be very private about our inner sexual wishes. That’s why psychologists and relationship therapists always talk about communication between couples, or even to yourself.
It is perfectly healthy to have fantasies and be attracted to things that you feel people will find weird. Did you know over fifty percent of the population regardless of sex and gender, harbor some type of BDSM fantasy? Yes, that’s more than half of the people you meet every day have some thoughts of being spanked, tied up, want to dominate, or be dominated.
As we evolve our tastes and ideas of what are normal have changed. In Victorian Britain the idea of seeing a table leg was considered too risqué for polite society. That was just over one hundred years ago!
That makes wanting to experiment with these things perfectly normal and even desirable.
How To Find Kinky People
There are several ways to go about finding kinky people, but each approach is suited to a different type of interaction.
First, there are many websites to find information and groups on social media to find people with similar tastes. A basic search is going to turn them up. These usually are information only and trying to develop relationships is frowned upon.
Second, there are groups that meet in real life. Again, these are social gatherings and rules may vary from group to group on whether hookups are allowed. These can be daunting for new people wanting to explore their sexuality as they are made up of experienced fetishists. There may also be some great reasons that you are not ready to be out and proud about what turns you on, from being shy to having a job or family that would be negatively impacted if that knowledge were to become public.
Finally, adult chat lines are a popular option. They are always active, with larger platforms like Talk121 having thousands of users, and they are created to allow people to chat with each other one-to-one. Because you have the convenience of being able to call from anywhere at any time you can safely and anonymously dial in whenever you want with complete privacy. Your telephone number is never exposed to anyone, and you only need to share what private information about yourself you are comfortable with when talking to another caller.
This completely frees you up to be able to talk without judgement to those who both understand and are turned on by the same things you are.
How To Explore Kink On A Call
Finding someone with similar tastes is as simple as paying attention and listening to their introductions. Because adult phone lines are created with the explicit expectation of talking about sex, people are not coy or shy about listing out what gets them hot. That saves the heart pounding nervousness of having to try and work out if someone likes the same things you do.
Once you find someone you share similar kinks with just have a normal conversation. In this way, this is no different than any other real-world situation, go slow and learn about that person. See if you click and are enjoying the conversation flow. Feel comfortable getting to know them and ask questions about what they are in to. If they are not quite what you are looking for then move onto the next person.
Once you are comfortable and you’ve shared some of your thoughts and fantasies and both of you are getting turned on, talk about having phone sex with them. Kinky people are usually clear on what they like and don’t like. Due to how certain fetishes can involve things others would find negative – like being called names, being insulted, being told what to do – be sure that you both understand whatever limits each of you needs.
Then enjoy yourselves with some kinky phone sex where you can both tell each other about what you want to do, as you listen to each other get more and more aroused until you climax. Unless your kink is orgasm denial, of course.
The Importance of Safe Words
Kinks and fetishes can cover a wide array of topics, including ones that may make other people uncomfortable. Even partners that share a fetish may find certain areas are instant turn-offs. Some scenarios might start out hot and heavy and everyone is loving it, but something else may happen to change the mood. In these situations, make sure you have a safe word that is unrelated to anything you’re doing. With kink play words like “stop” and “no” might be part of the scene, so they are not effective if you need to stop immediately, or if someone is very uncomfortable with where things are going.
Be sure to agree on what that word is, and if it comes up during the call stop playing immediately and check in with your partner. You can use the safe word if you feel uncomfortable and want to stop, or it could be something as trivial as your pet just threw up on the floor and you need to pause and take care of it. Never ignore a safe word, it is there for a reason and your respect of it is a sign of respect for the person that you are playing with. Now you have the basics down, dial in and have some fun exploring what turns you on.