What To Do When You Encounter Someone You Know on the Chat Line

By Micki Morris
Posted February 8, 2017
wild chat lines free

Do you remember when posting a singles ad in the paper was scandalous? If not, lucky you. Nowadays it seems everyone has a profile on one or more dating sites, even people in relationships have them. It’s almost weird if you don’t. Many people also use wild chat lines free, like this one! Coming across your friends is commonplace. Some people even chat with their friends on the sites. Back in the day, accidentally replying to a classified ad that someone you knew posted was mortifying for both parties and usually resulted in an unspoken agreement to never bring it up ever again. In the early days of online ads, it wasn’t as bad, although pretty awkward.

Now, people don’t care at all, unless you’re browsing the casual encounters page and find out that cock pic belongs to someone you know, or you get hit on by someone on a taboo phone sex line and discover that it’s your boss. That’s a little trickier of a situation. With hundreds of numbers all over the country, it’s not entirely impossible to be connected to someone you know. The calls are completely anonymous, so what’ll most likely happen is one person will realize who they’re talking to before the other and either pretend they didn’t and endo the call or start laughing and fess up.

Guess what, though? It doesn’t matter. These days, people on wild chat lines free are seeing sex as a much more normal and natural thing and all sorts of kinks and fetishes are becoming accepted and enjoyed without shame or hiding. When it comes down to it, you both called the chat line looking for the same thing, so you can rest assured there is no judgement. The best thing to do is laugh it off and be casual and normal about it. It’ll be a fun story between the two of you. Who knows, you might become a little closer. Although the chances are very slim, it’s a possibility, but not something to dread. Just give our line a call and have fun.