Things You Should Do Before Sex

You might have been talking to someone you met on our real phone sex lines and just started seeing them but you want better ways to set the scene for great sex to impress your new partner. It can also be the reverse, maybe you’ve been in a long-term relationship with someone off of your area’s local chat line and you want to rekindle that fuck flame in the bedroom.
It’s great to have everything ready in the bedroom, talk up what you want to do before sex and get yourself in the mood.
1. Talk about sex beforehand
This could be giving a compliment to your partner right before you both are about to lay your head or a dirty text midday about wanting to bang their bangs out when you get home. Doing things that are indicating you want sex break awkward sexual tension and lets your mind go free and gets your body all hot and horny.
2. Have Condoms Ready or Any Other Sex-ssories
If you just met someone throughout phone chat lines, safe sex is a big part of setting up the sex vibe. You should always have condoms stashed near your bed, if it’s a nightstand drawer and if you want to spice things up and have your partner put it on, they should know how to properly put one on their partner’s penis. Lube is another bedside accessory that should always be an arm’s grab away from your bed. You don’t want to be walking your room, getting limp or unaroused trying to find a bottle of lube or a condom in your wallet.
3. Do Something That Makes You Feel Sexy
When you feel sexy and confident with your body it makes sex so much more enjoyable. You want to be desirable to our partner, so do something before sex to make you feel like the queen or king that you are. That could be anything from trimming down below, wearing that luscious lingerie or even listening to a song that gets you horny.
All of these tips for setting the mood before sex should be taken advantage of before you call into your local chat line for a meet up. Impress your new date after you agree to meet up after talking on our live chat experience. He or she will walk in thinking you are sex expert and will be jumping at the bit to come.
4. Slip into some sexy lingerie
Gals if you plan to call the anonymous sex chat line, taking a hot bath and putting on some lingerie will help you get into the proper mood, so you can enjoy your sultry talks better. Lay back and stroke your clit and pussy while you listen to some stranger tell you all the kinky ways that they’d please you.
Real Phone Sex
5. Ladies think of kinky things to chat about beforehand.
Think-up some dialogue you can use with some of the male callers you’ll be chatting with before you call-up the line. Perhaps, think of something amorous like, “I actually believe it could be sort of fun trying out wild phone sex whilst I happen to be checking out your city in about 5 weeks. Does that be good enough?
OR – Tell him, “I’m very fucking sexually enthusiastic, I absolutely wish it was possible to get-together one-2-one in a fancy hotel and pound and make hot love right now“, or perhaps “I genuinely need to lick and swallow your 8 inch wang, as soon as I can get you alone and pull your pants down. Or, “let’s pretend we’re intending to rendezvous, where I become your favorite tool sucking and slurping nasty dirty trollop. And baby, that was a mouthful, just like you hard dick will be in my mouth“.
It’s exciting and also extremely exhilarating to check out how they respond to you next. You may have these gentlemen right in your web. Ladies this is what real phone sex is all about.