Sex on The First Date?

This is a major debate for first time daters, to sex or not to sex on the first date, that is the question. This question is specifically hard for woman. Women think they will be slut shammed or be seen as not marriage material by the male dater. The stigma of having sex on the first date is still here, even in 2018. For men in this situation, if they do have sex on the first date they will be seen as just wanting sex, which isn’t always the case. Sex on the first date sends mixed signals if you aren’t vocal in your intentions, that is with you actually want to see this person again.
We are sure there have been many callers from our phones lines that have totally turned down sex on the first date because of these stigmas. Some may have done so even though they wanted to have sex with their hot meet up. Luckily, for you and our callers, the negative dark cloud hovering over sex on the first date is changing. According to a survey by dating app OkCupid, 46 percent of users would have sex on the first date. This could be due to technology and social media causing people to have a more relaxed view on sex.
Like anything in sex and life there are pros and cons, sex on the first date can establish chemistry between the two new daters. If it isn’t love at first sight or you didn’t fall in love with them over our chat lines then sex on the first date can be a great way to figure out if your date is right for you. So you don’t have mixed emotions during or after sex on the first date it’s a must you talk with your date before engaging in the act. If you just want to get your rocks off and just want a fuck buddy then let your date know.
Sex is very intimate so you need to be as transparent and honest of what you want as possible. You don’t want to get hurt or sent mixed emotions and feelings, so don’t do it to someone else. That being said, pick up the phone now and call up your local area’s chat line and have some fun on your first date.