Dating In The Pressure From Friends

Many articles talk about blind dates and people setting up others with their friends. In movies and television shows, there are often storylines and characters that have a basis in pressure from parents for their sons and daughters to find the right person and settle down. These scenes can be cause for great conflict in television shows, and it is surely true that some people relate to this conflict with their real-life experiences.
In a world where so many people seem to be pushing forward, getting married, starting families, and settling down, it is at times difficult to remember that each person is an individual, unique and beautiful in their own ways. Besides, letting that pressure from friends, family, and even ourselves, can create unnecessary stress that affects lives and happiness.
To give some straightforward advice, it is better to take your time and be with someone that is an excellent match for your needs and your personality than to rush into dating and love. Many people that date find love and happiness in their 30s and 40s (and beyond) go on to lead some of the most amazing lives.
Dealing with friends and family that are applying a lot of pressure to get you to date or settle down with someone can be difficult. Be persistent. Use some patience and consistent explanation. Sometimes that pressure fades away. Most often, it is when that pressure seems not to be affecting you that it seems to start getting toned down by others.
In some situations, it is a wonderful thing to walk to the beat of your own tune. That is, you can live the kind of life you want to live and experience it the way you want to experience it without feeling guilty or behind. Travel where you find the most happiness, date for the experience and the opportunity, and most of all allow yourself to be both who you are and to move toward who you want to be. Now get on phone lines for dating and try it!