Why Flaking On Dates Is A Bad Idea

Bailing on dates seems to be getting more and more popular in some areas of the world. The thought behind it is that people should be able to skip out on plans if they feel it will better their emotional state, because they lack in energy, or because they just don’t feel like it at that particular time. Unfortunately, this has adverse effects on how other people will see them, and sometimes people will stop making plans with them altogether if they do it too often.
There is a big difference between flaking on a date because you are sick, or some significant life situation occurred, and you need to reschedule. If someone bails on you multiple times, especially in a row, the best advice is to call them out on it. Additionally, send messages the day before to confirm whether or not you are still on for the following day.
While sometimes the decision to bail on a commitment puts you in a better place as an individual, it can also have adverse effects on the other person and their state. Being respectful and considerate of the other person’s mental state as well, and not bailing on dates for minor reasons is the right thing to do. Additionally, there are often ways to change plans to make them fit how each person is feeling a little bit better. For example, if you had plans to go to a theme park and are out of energy, maybe a movie would be a better fit.
Bailing and flaking on dates is a trend that is rolled into the category of self-care. Unfortunately, in the world of dating, including phone dating, people are looking for some consistency and commitment. Discussing with the person you are dating about their thoughts on canceling dates and phone calls will help get both of you on the same page. Planning well in advance so that you have the energy and mental capacity to do whatever activity you plan for is yet another way to decrease the number of times that dates are canceled. Keep your appointments; it will help you on your venture into phone dating and relationships in general.