Expanding Your Confidence

Confidence ranks high on people’s lists of turn-ons, as well as lists that focus on the most admirable qualities that people prefer in a partner. People don’t realize that they have a lot of control within themselves of what confidence means to them, how they can have and experience it, and how they see it and others. In dating, it is not uncommon for people to talk about attractive qualities and attractive features. When it comes to dating and successful relationships themselves, it is often the important qualities that stand out.
Important qualities are generally personality traits, like how easy-going and supportive a person is. Whether they have consistency, stability, selflessness, and honesty, or other essential attributes. Take a moment to focus on the qualities you see in yourself. Odds are, at least one of these qualities that people consider imperative are on your list. Additionally, it is likely that you are working on obtaining at least one or two other qualities listed, or a few qualities that could be considered equally important. Look for these qualities in other people as well.
Part of confidence is realizing that there plenty of people in the world who are trying to break another person’s spirit down. Accept that you must take control of your own life and realize that you have a lot to offer. Look more to the positive qualities and things that you are improving, and less on people that are trying to take you down a notch. The way you carry yourself and the awareness that you have of your positive qualities are huge boons to confidence.
Confidence is a vast subject, with a lot to cover. Expect more blogs on the subject. If you are a fan of lists or homework, go ahead and make a list of a few of the things that you are good at or personality traits that are positive that you have. Think about what other people say about you as well that are positive. Each of us is unique, and each of us is special. Embracing that is the first step to being a better and more confident person. Once you chat on the phone with confidence, you’ll see why.