How to Describe Yourself on the Phone

The one unique thing about free party lines is that you can’t see what a person looks like before you talk to them. With online dating there are pictures of what people look like and you can read all of their statistics, but on this, you have to describe yourself to them. How can you best do that to lead to some hot phone sex or even a real life hook up? Well there are some tips to help you. First of all, start with what you consider your best assets. It’s OK to compliment yourself a little bit here, since you’re trying to attract someone. Whether your favorite part about you is your beautiful brown eyes or your long red hair, you should talk about that. Then describe the rest of your body. When you’re talking about it, don’t put yourself down. If there’s something you feel is negative, try spinning it as a positive. If you’re on the larger size say that you’re curvy or that you’re proud of your big sexy size because that means there is even more to love on.
The main thing here is that everyone is worthy of a good shag and here on free trial chat lines there is someone for everyone. So, don’t be afraid to talk yourself up on free party lines where there are people here who are already into having a good and sexy time. Remember, confidence is sexy! Plus, if you’re not planning on meeting up with someone in person, you can describe yourself however you want since our chat line is completely anonymous and you can create any fantasy that you want. However, if you’re planning on finding a real life hook up you should definitely be realistic in how you portray yourself on free party lines.