Is Dating Hard?

You have a full plate with work, family, friends, hobbies and all of the other obligations life throws at you. Adding another item to your to-do list seems like an impossible task.
Whether you’re looking for love or just trying to enjoy meaningless sex, it can be hard to find a partner. If you’re stuck, consider reaching out to a mental health professional.
1. Go Out the Old-Fashioned Way
You’ve probably heard people exclaim, “Dating is so hard!” more than once. In the age of dating apps and hookup culture, it can feel like finding love is a lot more complicated than in previous generations. But is it really?
Whether you’re meeting people in real life or online, dating can be a tough, emotional process. People can be shady about their intentions when it comes to romance, and it’s not uncommon for someone to disappear without a word for days on end.
Despite these difficulties, you can’t give up on finding love. Getting clear on your own values and needs will help you avoid settling for less than you deserve. You can also seek the help of a mental health professional if you’re struggling with relationship issues. They’ll be able to help you find healthy and happy ways to navigate the dating world. You can also try to see your friends in happy relationships as proof that love does exist.
2. Take a Trip to the Beach
If you’re looking for something that’s a little bit more relaxing than the typical road trip, a beach vacation might be perfect for you. This will give you a chance to enjoy some sun and sand with your date and bond over the simple things that make life happy.
Beaches are also a great way to connect with nature, which can help you find some peace of mind and clarity. This is especially important if you’re going through a tough time in your relationship.
Try playing a game of hide-and-seek with your date or take turns hiding at separate points on the beach and then running to each other to reveal where they are. This is a fun and simple way to show your date how much you care about them. It’s a great idea for a first date, but you can even do it again after you’ve been together for a while. It will definitely leave a sweet memory.
3. Take Advantage of Social Media
When it comes to dating, even the most well-adjusted people find themselves vulnerable and uncertain at times. Wondering if their interest is reciprocated, worrying if they’re being too forward with someone, wondering if there is sexual chemistry—it can be tough to navigate the dating world.
According to Bumble, women are also taking a harder-ball approach when it comes to dating, especially when it comes to letting their dates know what they want. This new way of dating can be hard for some, but it promotes honesty and transparency that will benefit relationships down the line.
Manipulations and playing games are another dating red flag that many men have noticed, especially in the social media age. This can include leaving your date on “Seen” for days, ignoring texts, and other manipulative tactics that weren’t around during vintage dating. It’s no wonder that women and men are confused about dating today. It’s hard to have an honest conversation about what you want when both parties are surrounded by social media.
4. Go to Public Speaking Events
It is no secret that public speaking events can be extremely beneficial for people who are looking to improve their public speaking skills. But what you might not know is that going to these events can also be an excellent way to meet someone. This is because many of these events are hosted by businesses, organisations and even universities, and they are often searching for guest speakers.
For example, university societies and departments are often searching for speakers on topics such as entrepreneurship and business. This is a great opportunity for you to reach out to young and captivated audiences, while also showcasing your expertise.
Another great tip for finding public speaking opportunities is to use social media. You can do this by viewing the accounts of other people who speak publicly, as they will often tag the company or organisation that put on the event that they are speaking at. This will give you a much better idea of what types of opportunities are out there and how to go about getting them.