Celebrity Flirting Advice

When you are talking on sex chat lines for dating you may be wondering how to flirt with people. They are always talking and giggling so how can you tell if your flirtation is working or not. Well some celebrities have talked about flirting in various interviews, and their tips are here for you to enjoy and use for your own phone chat possibilities.
Gigi Hadid said in an interview on the Ellen Degeneres show that she isn’t afraid to make the first move. When she met her current dude Zayn Malik, she saw him for 10 minutes and then said that she thought he was really cute. That’s how the sparks started to fly! You can use that tactic on the phone sex chat line.
Comedian Trevor Noah has learned his lessons about using too many jokes. The advice that he gave in one interview is to not open your flirtations with a joke…that’s a big turn off for some girls.
Shay Mitchell said that when she likes to get closer to someone, she will physically get closer to them. She wants to put her head on their shoulder and act like she is sleepy if she wants to snuggle up close, or she will find some other way to get actually closer to them until they get the idea.
While playing some games work for a bit, Chris Pratt says not to wait to play games for too long. Girls will see through that kind of stuff and they won’t be into you if they think you’re a faker or someone who tries to play the game.
Sex chat lines for dating will bring you lots of people to flirt with, so try these celebrity techniques because these people really know what they are talking about!