Preparing for Holiday Events Through Orgasm

You’re heading to a mandatory holiday party later and being around those people gives you anxiety. Whether they’re people from work who you are paid to deal with most days, or family members that you avoid for the rest of the year, holiday events and functions – especially mandatory ones – are some of the most stressful ways to spend an evening.
Luckily there is a solution that involves your phone and your hand, and maybe a toy or two if you’re feeling extra frisky! Phone sex chatlines offer a better way to masturbate while feeling a sense of connection with another person. You get all the benefits of a random hookup, the personal touch that only you can provide for yourself, and none of the health risks that the town doorknob is being treated for by their doctor.
Masturbation isn’t just about the temporary euphoria that comes post-orgasm. Orgasms are scientifically proven to boost your mood and confidence. By releasing happy chemicals in your brain, you’ll be ready to take on that Karen from accounting that keeps “forgetting” to add your overtime onto your check, or your dad’s uncle who gets a little too friendly with your mom after a couple of drinks.
If you’ve ever been through a breakup, you know how it feels when you’re lonely and horny and you’re considering getting back with your ex, if only for the sex. Then you rub one out and everything seems clearer, and you remember that your ex is a garbage human being and all you needed was a one-handed date with your bathroom mirror, because, let’s face it, you’re pretty sexy to watch, sometimes. That feeling is not only for after heartbreak. You can experience that clarity and self-confidence anytime you feel yourself scraping along at rock bottom and waiting for someone to save you.
Masturbation and orgasm give you a way to take your emotions and feelings of self-worth into your own hands, and phone sex only improves that feeling. Having someone talk you through the passion and intensity of the physical aspects, while also providing the comfort of human companionship will make you feel like the sexiest person alive, and even your demotivating assistant manager can’t take that feeling away from you.
Masturbation and phone sex provide your brain with endorphins that you typically associate with love, lust, and happiness. You can trick your brain into feeling these things, even when you have to attend the most mind-numbing holiday parties or dinners, by rubbing one out before you leave, and reminding yourself that, even if the people surrounding you don’t appreciate you, there is a whole world of chatline partners that can’t wait to speak to you and masturbate to the sound of your voice and the thought of your body pressed against theirs!